Tanqueray 0.0 Gin - 700 ml
Tanqueray 0.0 features a unique juniper essence, typical of London Gin, enhanced by coriander and citrus zest that perfectly complement its authentic flavor. The incorporation of natural flavors and plant extracts, such as carefully selected juniper berries and high-quality botanicals, guarantees a refreshing taste and delightful aroma closely mirroring that of classic gin.
Tastes Like
Tanqueray 0.0's flavor profile is defined by a distinct juniper essence reminiscent of classic London Gin, harmonized with the complementary hints of coriander and citrus zest. The resultant taste is authentic and refreshing, accompanied by an elegant and delightful aroma that closely mirrors that of traditional gin.
How to enjoy it
Perfect with a simple tonic or also great for your favorite cocktails recipes but even better as no-alcohol versions.
700 ml
Good to know
Ingredients: Water, herb and spice distillates, natural juniper flavor, thickener pectin, acidifier malic acid, preservative potassium sorbate, sweetener steviol glycosides.
Nutritional information: Per 100ml: Energy 48kj/11,47kcal, Fat 0g of which Saturates 0g, Carbohydrate 10g of which are sugars 0g, Protein 0g, Salt g
Origin: England
*Adult beverage
Tanqueray 0.0 Gin - 700 ml